Comin’ at ya with another awesome Practitioner Spotlight. I had wanted to squeeze in one more conversation before I left for Beijing in a couple weeks (because who knows how long it’ll take me to get Facebook up and running over there). I’m SO glad I did! If you’ve been trying to get your practice off the ground, take a minute and tune into my chat with Dr. Jen Newell.
She is a serious boss with total clarity on how she can best serve her patients and they LOVE her for it! (#spoileralert she’s NOT trying to serve everyone) She is regularly booked up with a month’s long waitlist and did it all without knowing any of the “business stuff” when she first graduated.
Enjoy! 🙂
You can find more about Jen at @newellnd on Instagram or www.newellnd.ca
As always, if you have any questions for Jen or myself you can leave a comment below!
